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Alumni Association

Image of Lampeter reunion

Associations exist to support the University’s alumni activities with certain groups or campuses. 

They are a great way of staying connected to the University and your fellow graduates and allow you to build and maintain friendships and networks. 

If you have an idea for an Alumni Association, get in touch.

The Lampeter Society

The Lampeter Society is an alumni association which exists to support the activities of the University’s Lampeter campus, with current branches in Swansea, Cardiff, London and Severn-Thames-Exe area.

Image of Lampeter Society logo

Information about the Lampeter Society

  • All Lampeter graduates become automatic members of the Lampeter Society, as well as members of UWTSD’s alumni network. 

    Membership is open to past and present students as well as Academic staff members based at the Lampeter campus. 

    Members will usually receive communication from UWTSD’s Lampeter Alumni Officer on behalf of the Lampeter Society.

  • Support from the Lampeter Society is given financially or in any other appropriate way and covers the whole range of University life range of University life. 

    In recent years they have:

    • made annual donations to the Library and the Chapel 

    • funded an annual Lampeter Society lecture 

    • contributed towards the cost of the Harmony Garden 

    • bought a mobile bar for the campus catering team

    • provided grants to Lampeter campus clubs and societies

    • offer study bursaries to students from low-income backgrounds. See more about the Lampeter Society Bursary Fund on Support UWTSD page. 

    The Society also organises an Annual Reunion Weekend which takes place during summer on the Lampeter campus which includes an AGM and Reunion Dinner. See Events and Reunions page.

  • Donations are essential to enable the Society to maintain the range of support they offer the Lampeter campus. 

    The suggested annual donation amount is £20, though some graduates may wish to give more, and this would be gratefully received. 

  • The Lampeter Society produces a bi-annual magazine ‘The Link’. Those who have donated to the Society receive a paper copy by post. The latest edition can be viewed digitally below. To contribute to the latest issue, send your news to the editor.

  • If you have questions about membership or activities, contact the Lampeter Alumni Officer

    Or you can contact Lampeter Society directly.

    You can also visit and join the Facebook groups for Lampeter Alumni and The Lampeter Society.