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Swansea College of Art, UWTSD, is leading the charge in the realm of art and design education by embracing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and immersive technologies. The MA Art and Design and the Professional Doctorate in Art and Design programmes are embarking on the exciting journey to prepare students for a dynamic and AI-driven creative landscape.

A black-and-white ground-level shot of a Parisian boulevard with composition emphasising the shadows of the trees and the bright winter sunlight.

Entitled “Manifesto of Meta-disruption: Embracing the Transformative Impact of AI and immersive technology in Art and Design practices” this manifesto outlines 8 core principles that underscore the programmes’ commitment to integrating AI into their curricula:

  1. Embrace Hybrid Creativity: Recognizing AI’s potential to redefine creativity, fostering the synthesis of human and AI-generated artistic expressions.
  2. Foster Ethical AI Literacy: Cultivating discussions on the ethical implications of AI in art and design education, emphasizing responsible technology use and its societal impact.
  3. Challenge Traditional Pedagogy: Advocating for a paradigm shift in teaching methods, focusing on interdisciplinary collaboration, computational thinking, and AI literacy.
  4. Redefine Professional Identities: Empowering students to navigate the transformative role of AI in reshaping professional identities within the creative industries.
  5. Embody Cultural Evolution: Embracing AI’s potential to drive cultural and aesthetic shifts, fostering new artistic forms and cultural expressions.
  6. Embrace Technological Evolution**: Recognizing AI as a catalyst for meta-disruption, reshaping traditional paradigms and practices in creative education.
  7. Empower Hybrid Skill Sets: Equipping students with hybrid skill sets that combine artistic sensibilities with technological fluency.
  8. Embody Meta-disruptive Leadership: Promoting visionary leadership that celebrates innovation, ethical inquiry, and the dynamic redefinition of creative paradigms.

Timi Isaac O’Neill, the programme manager, envisions a future where graduates of both the MA Art and Design and the Professional Doctorate in Art and Design programmes are poised to be leaders in the creative industries, adept at harnessing AI’s potential while maintaining ethical responsibility.

He said: “Our programmes are designed to empower students with the skills, knowledge, and ethical foundation to not only embrace AI and immersive technologies, but also shape its role in the future of art and design.”

Dr Mark Cocks, Interim Dean of WISA said: “It’s essential for us to question how AI and immersive technology can positively challenge our established notions of art, design and media to cultivate an integrated academic response. Therefore, I’m delighted that Timi O’Neill and the MA Art and Design and the Professional Doctorate in Art and Design students are embracing the transformative potential and immersive opportunities of these technologies to develop a curricula for the future.”

Further Information

Rebecca Davies

Executive Press and Media Relations Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467071

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