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Four graduates from Swansea College of Art at University of Wales Trinity Saint David have appeared in the Contemporary Glass Society’s (CGS) New Graduate Review 2022, with one student winning the top prize.

Front cover of the Contemporary Glass Society's magazine.

Each year the society reviews students graduating from UK-based creative programmes and selects a small number for prizes and to include in the annual printed publication.

The latest edition features four UWTSD students: two undergraduates Sophia Henry and Emma Martin who were both awarded highly commended, and two masters, Tulin Bedri and Polly Thomas-Colquhoun. Tulin was awarded highly commended and Polly won the top prize of first place, with her work being featured on the front cover of the review publication.

Polly’s work is heavily influenced by traditional stained glass artists and techniques which she utilises to “create contemporary images that shed new light on the craft”. Carefully selecting modern themes and subject matter that appeals to a millennial audience, by “blending traditional methods with contemporary imagery, Polly aims to engage a new audience to stained glass” (CGS Review, 2022).

Speaking to CGS, Polly said: “I am delighted to have won the Glass Sellers/CGS prize and for all the support that comes with it. Life as an art graduate can feel a little daunting at times, so to receive recognition for my work has filled me with confidence.”

Leigh Baildham from the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers Charity Fund who support the winner, said: “I was most impressed with the quality and diversity of the design styles that were submitted this year. After the challenges of the pandemic, it is clear that inspiration abounds in our future glass artist community.”

Catherine Brown, Lecturer at UWTSD added: “We are extremely proud of all our Glass graduates and their achievements. Our programmes at UWTSD give students the opportunities and freedom to explore creativity and craft skills. We continue to preserve the craft of stained glass as well as develop innovative techniques and ideas for the future, and we are so pleased that the CGS have recognised and celebrated these students’ successes.”

The varied, intricate and beautiful craft of glass can be studied at UWTSD’s Swansea College of Art through a Bachelors degree in Design Crafts or a Masters in Glass. There will also be a craftsperson’s Apprenticeship in Stained Glass starting in 2023. Information can be found on the university’s website.

Polly’s winning piece, James, can be viewed as part of the Sysygy Collective exhibition in Swansea until 19th January.

Founded in 1853, Swansea College of Art at University of Wales Trinity Saint David is a leading provider of Arts-related courses, ranked 1st in Wales in four Arts subjects, 4th in the UK for Film and Photography, 8th in the UK for Product Design, and 10th in the UK for Graphic Design.

Further Information

Ella Staden

Press and Media Officer   
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Phone: 07384467078

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