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The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) welcomed over 50 students from MADE Cymru to the IQ building in Swansea. The students were invited to meet their classmates in person, as both Industry 4.0 and Innovation classes are held online. This was an excellent opportunity for the students to network with peers and explore the University’s manufacturing facilities. Some of the students had travelled from across Wales, including as far as Conwy.

UWTSD welcomed over 50 students from MADE Cymru to the IQ building in Swansea. Group of people standing downstairs in IQ.

The event attracted a diverse range of businesses, from small start-ups to established businesses. Attendees included Diamond Centre Wales, Brecon Water, Welsh Government, Hiut Denim, and Do Lectures. The students had the opportunity to engage with each other and share experiences from their different organisations.

UWTSD Pro Vice-Chancellor of Skills and Lifelong Learning, Barry Liles, OBE, welcomed the students to the campus and spoke about the significance of MADE Cymru in building a skilled workforce. He emphasised the importance of equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive change in their respective organisations.

The students were taken on a tour of the University’s manufacturing facilities, including the Robotics Lab, the new Immersive Room, and CBM Wales. The Robotics Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing students to engage with robotic and automated systems. The new Immersive Room offers a unique learning experience, allowing visitors to work with virtual reality tools. CBM Wales provides expertise in the field of advanced materials and offers students hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology.

MADE Cymru is a European funded project through Welsh Government. Since its launch in 2019, the project has partnered with over 140 businesses and had over 400 students enrolled in the courses. The programme is designed to equip individuals with practical skills and knowledge that they can apply in their day-to-day jobs. The objective is to have a transformative effect on Welsh businesses’ products, processes, and productivity.

The courses offered by MADE Cymru have already had a significant impact on Welsh businesses, with some reporting substantial economic benefits. The programme has empowered individuals to become agents of change, driving innovation and growth in their organisations.

A group of people looking at the screens in the Immersive room at UWTSD.

The visit was a great success and supports MADE Cymru’s ethos of collaboration and networking to create change.

Chris Probert, Innovation Specialist at Welsh Government (and MADE Cymru student) said: “It was great to be back at UWTSD to meet up with the staff and fellow students, some who I have known for over 2 years but have never met face to face. Whilst I have visited the campus several times in the past, there was a number of new facilities which I had not seen before so that was useful. The diversity of organisations benefiting from MADE Cymru come from all over Wales so spending time sharing our experiences and knowledge is of significant value. What is clear from all in the room is the shared passion for Wales and Welsh manufacturing to be the best it can be and MADE Cymru is a catalyst for this.”

Lowri Roberts, Business Wales (and MADE Cymru student) said: “Another stimulating event organised by the MADE Cymru team! Not only was it great to experience how each academic facility can support manufacturing, but it was fabulous to be able to collaborate with all the students, from multiple sectors who are using their CPD to collaborate and benefit business growth. The investment in the Immersive Room will be so useful and certainly was a highlight of the day!”

Richard Burnell, Continuous Improvement Leader, Safran Seats said: “I had the pleasure of visiting the University for the first time today to finally meet up with fellow students and the MADE Cymru team. It was fantastic to see some of the great work the University is doing, and I was extremely impressed by the facilities, technology and people they have there!

“I am hoping to visit again in the near future to take advantage of the amazing facilities to support me with my dissertation paper and also to build on the great working relationship between the University and Safran Seats GB.”

Amanda Hughes, Project Manager UWTSD said: “I was really excited to organise this event and witness everyone coming together and interacting. It was a great pleasure to meet all the students who have been part of this MADE Cymru programme. Our team never imagined the incredible influence it would have, not only on the students but also on the industry as a whole. It’s been an absolute privilege to be part of such an inspiring programme.”

Barry Liles MBE, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Skills and Lifelong Learning at UWTSD said: “I was delighted to see the significant turnout of students during the UWTSD visit today. A surprising outcome from the programme has been watching students from diverse sectors and regions of Wales come together to collaborate and undertake joint projects. The impact of these courses on industry and their bottom line has been truly remarkable. Clearly, the programme has transcended beyond conventional learning.”

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A group of people standing in UWTSD's IQ building talking.

Further Information

Rebecca Davies

Executive Press and Media Relations Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467071

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