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A student from the BA Perfformio course in the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Wales Academy of Voice and Dramatic Arts has been selected to compete in this year’s Urdd Bryn Terfel Scholarship.

Fflur Davies

Fflur Davies will join five other competitors to perform in a unique concert in an attempt to win the Urdd’s Bryn Terfel Scholarship to be held in Aberystwyth Arts Centre on Sunday night, 5th March, and broadcast on S4C.

The six competitors performing on Sunday night are the winners of the main under 25 competitions at the Urdd National Eisteddfod in Denbigh, 2022. The aim of the scholarship, established back in 1999, is to develop and nurture the talent of some of Wales’ best talent. As well as receiving master classes from experts in the performance world, and having their names associated with the world-famous singer Sir Bryn Terfel, the winner will receive a prize of £4000 to develop their talent for the future.

Fflur said:

“It’s a valuable experience for me as the Urdd’s Bryn Terfel scholarship is very famous to us in Wales, and feel extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to compete. Being able to compete with the other talented competitors has been an honour, and I feel very fortunate to be one of the six.”

She said that competing in this competition would really aid her as she continues to grow within the theatre world, and hopes that the experience will develop her confidence on stage when performing.

As a former pupil at Ysgol Glanaethwy, Cefin and Rhian Roberts have been a big influence on Fflur, and it is through them she has received memorable experiences during her time there. She added:

“I’m extremely grateful for all the support I have received from them, and they have shaped me as a person and performer over the years.”

By now, Fflur also recognises that the BA Perfformio course has greatly assisted her in preparing her for this competition:

“Having the experience of performing all the time always helps us as performers. The ‘rep’ lessons I’ve had from David Laugharne have definitely helped me to choose the most suitable songs for me for my performance. As well as performance classes during my first year.

“As a performer who’s most comfortable singing, I’ve really enjoyed the singing elements of the course. Working with Elen Bowman in the acting classes has also been beneficial to me, and I’m now starting to discover more love for acting and stage acting.”

Fflur has just returned from Ohio in America, where she was on a tour with her fellow students to perform at Rio Grande University.

As a student, Fflur loves studying the BA Perfformio course. She said, “as students, we receive very good support, and the University is always there no matter what the issue. We have a good relationship with our tutors and this really helps us as students.”

Senior Lecturer, Eilir Owen Griffiths, said:

“We’re so proud of Fflur’s success in the Urdd Eisteddfod last year and are really looking forward to seeing her perform in the Scholarship. Fflur is a conscientious and extremely hard-working student and of course, very talented. We all wish her every success in the competition.”

As Fflur prepared for Sunday, she added, “I’m grateful for all the experiences I’ve had as a performer and the support I’ve received from everyone during my time preparing for the scholarship.”

Siân Eirian, Director of the Urdd Eisteddfod and Arts, said:

“The Urdd is extremely excited to welcome back the Urdd Bryn Terfel Scholarship and to offer this valuable experience to six young competitors at the start of their careers. The competitors have all worked hard in preparation, and have already benefited from the experience by taking part in masterclass workshops with experienced experts within their field.

“On behalf of the Urdd, I wish everyone competing the best of luck – and most importantly, enjoy the experience!”

Further Information

Lowri Thomas

Principal Communications and PR Officer   
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07449 998476

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