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Alison Harding and Sarah Jones from UWTSD’s Library and Learning Resources (LLR) department recently accepted an invitation and headed to Birmingham to present a paper at the Digifest 2023 conference.

Sarah Jones confidently speaks on a podium at a DigiFest conference; she is talking about UWTSD's DigiCentre. Her colleague Alison Harding is standing beside her.

Digifest is a celebration of the creative minds who think differently, who introduce new ideas and technologies to their organisations. Whether it’s the researcher at the cutting edge of vaccine development, the lecturer inspiring the next generation or the manager leading digital transformation, Digifest is for the innovators of tomorrow.

The session, led by Alison and Sarah, focussed on how UWTSD has established and developed their digital skills provision for the whole of the university community, and beyond through the University’s DigiCentre.

The DigiCentre at UWTSD is a one-stop shop for all digital skills needs which includes a collection of tools and resources to help develop your digital skills. Sarah Jones, Head of Academic Services at the Library and Learning Resources department, commented:

“It was a real honour to present our work at such a big, national conference like DigiFest. I’ve learnt so much from other people’s presentations there over the years, so I hope that ours was just as useful to others.”

Following the presentation, Alison Harding, Executive Head of Library and Learning Resources, added:

“It was a real privilege to share with colleagues from across the UK the work of UWTSD in the digital strategy and skills landscape. It was also my opportunity to thank my team for their leadership in this space, as well as reflect on my learnings of the journey so far.”

Further Information

Arwel Lloyd

Principal PR and Communications Officer    
Corporate Communications and PR    
Phone: 07384 467076

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